MUSIC VIDEOS: Roland SC-8850 MIDI Visualizer Tests

The point of doing this was to see what these .mid songs would sound like raw on a Roland SC-8850 without further mixing and mastering, have them visualized through MIDIFall, and just see and hear how it works out with Roland SC-8550’s instruments and sample set. Compared to the Roland SC-55 and Roland SC-88, the Roland SC-8850 isn’t as well known or has as many songs run through it as the others do, so we chose that to run the midi album experiment through.

It’s not for everyone, but I like these experiments and I like how it turned out.

Additional Context:
Back in 2011 or something, I was commissioned to do a soundtrack for a Tower Defense game for Android that was going to use .mid files as the soundtrack. Well, as I got close to the finish line, the project presumably was halted after the guy who was doing it started ghosting me. Frustrating.

And I really liked what I come up with in .mid format and used them to test out things here and there, but never really “released them” in a format I thought was worth it. Then in Autumn 2019, I started getting into modern visualizer stuff. I wanted to record video of this MIDI set going through it, but I wasn’t able to pull it off for a variety of reasons.

The video and audio output of the .mid compositions is done by MIDI Maestro Daniel Lippert (, who helped me out to get the video. We weren’t able to get the Microsoft GS Wavetable sounds recorded, which is what these songs were recorded around, so he ran them through his Roland Sound Canvas SC-8550. The audio output is raw with no further arrangement, mixing or any of it done. We probably COULD’VE done all that, but me personally, I find the raw output much more interesting than if we went to the trouble to polish, mix, arrange, etc. further.

Later on I would like to do a proper arrangement of these songs with my Roland XV-5050, but as I’m not a young man anymore and don’t want to do music that takes up all kinds of time, I can’t guarantee it just yet. Right now, I just wanted to do a really nice visual showcase for my tracks, the Sound Canvas 8850, and just let it be as is.

Meteocrity Vol. 2 – [Roland SC8850 Raw Showcase]

Track 1 – Memories Diffuse
Track 2 – Your Soul Turns To Steel
Track 3 – Arbitrary Emissions
Track 4 – Blessing Ballistics
Track 5 – Mission Detachable
Track 6 – At Least The Wind Is On Our Side
Track 7 – Iron and Fire
Track 8 – Clash In The Highlands
Track 9 – Particle Exorcist
Track 10 – Tachyon Alienation
Track 11 – Baseless Accusations of Being
Track 12 – Gaia Stigmata
Track 13 – Labyrinth Mentality Versus The Supersoul
Track 14 – Something Stalks Us From The Sewers
Track 15 – Echo World Psy
Track 16 – The Brain In The Sky
Track 17 – Ends With You
Track 18 – Victory As An Afterthought
Track 19 – Que Pasa

Want the album? The original .mid collection can be downloaded for FREE right here: These compositions are copyright to me and 12MX Media. Typical copyright stuff for it, I’m just offering it for $0.00.